Hello to my 32 followers! I'm finally back for my second post! I'm so sorry it's been almost two months since my last post but like all of you I've been uber busy! I had a WON-DER-FUL winter break in February in which I got engaged!

In the words of the amazing Farley I am Tho, Tho Excited! The fiance and I have been busy looking at wedding venues as we hope to get married later this year! We're also contemplating the idea of having a very small wedding and then going on an elaborate honeymoon because we haven't been away together other than overnight in the three years we've been together (and peeps let me tell you the fiance and I aren't spring chickens)! Cuh-raz-ee huh? Does that sound selfish? Any advice would be appreciated!
More Grrreeeeaaattt news...I'm getting a blog makeover by the famous Kristen of
a.k.a. Ladybug Teacher Files! I'm am
ten a million kinds of excited! I just cannot wait to see what she comes up with 'cause as you all know she is unbelievably amazing!
And last but not least it is only two more days until my Spring Break! I am so in need of this break (and some warm weather but I live in the Northeast so who know's when that will happen). Thanks for sticking with me and listening to all my ramblings! I'll be back in a few days with my first freebie!