Anywho...I hope to share ideas and freebies on here just like y'all do (and no, I'm not from the South but I did live in Georgia for a year so I feel like I can say y'all just like you Southern gals). I don't have any freebies to share with you tonight but I did want to tell you about a givaway that the fabulous Sara from
is hosting for reaching 200 followers! I'm joining in the celebration with Sara and giving away one of these

It's the Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote in the Paparazzi Dot pattern. (I'm also a Thirty-One Independant Consultant). So go on over to her blog and enter to win! I can't wait to see what else she has in store for this givaway and I already know that I want to enter (but of course I won't)! Good luck everyone!